Teaching Excellence Award

Recognizing inclusive, learner-centered teaching practices at the New York University School of Professional Studies.

The Teaching Excellence Award is presented annually to adjunct and clinical faculty members who demonstrate commitment to student learning and advance ambitious teaching methods in the NYU SPS community. 


Every year the NYU School of Professional Studies community recognizes the teaching accomplishments of the SPS faculty through the Teaching Excellence Award. Learn more about the award criteria, selection process, eligibility, and timeline below.


The Teaching Excellence Award is presented to faculty members who demonstrate commitment to student success and growth in the classroom along one or more of the following dimensions. 

young femme student

Student Engagement

group of students holding papers at the front of class

Experiential Learning

groups of students working in a computer lab

Emerging Technology

group of students at desks with laptops open

Anti-Oppresive Education

four students talking in hallway

Interdiscipliary Collaboration

three students writing on white board

Learning Materials

u-shaped classroom with professor presenting

Curriculum Design

curly-haired student working on laptop


Nomination and Selection Process

The Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) solicits nominations from SPS students, faculty, and staff. Submissions are collected using a secure Qualtrics form.

The OFA conducts an eligibility review of all nominees and sends a comprehensive list of nominated faculty members to the academic units. 

Academic Unit Leaders review the list of nominees and prepare a letter of support for the faculty members they wish to endorse for an award. Academic Unit Leaders should review documents with evidence relevant to the final selection such as student evaluations, classroom observations, annual activity reports, and other evaluative measures that support each nominee prior to making the final selection. 

Statements of support are returned to the OFA. The OFA conducts an initial review of the completed nomination packets before forwarding to the SPS Dean.

The SPS Dean conducts a final review of submissions. From among the nominees, a maximum of one (1) individual from each academic unit is confirmed to receive the award for academic units with 200 and fewer faculty. Academic units with greater than 200 faculty may have two faculty confirmed to receive the award. 

For questions regarding the overall process, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs by email: (sps.facultyaffairs@nyu.edu) or by phone: (212-992-9030).


Full-time and adjunct faculty who have taught at SPS for at least three semesters in the past three academic years are eligible to be nominated.

Faculty cannot receive more than one award in the same academic year.

Faculty members can receive each award multiple times throughout their teaching at SPS but the time elapsed between receiving the same award must be greater than five years.

Timeline for 2023-2024 Academic Year

January 24 - Call for nominations

February 15 - Nominations are due to the OFA

February 21 - OFA submits nominations to academic departments

March 8 - Academic departments submit endorsed nominations to OFA. OFA submits completed nomination packets for SPS Dean’s review

March 27 - Dean’s review completed. Award recipients are notified

Additional Links

NYU Distinguished Teaching Award

Past Award Recipients