
Student Blog: Tony Zhang

Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Tony Zhang has always been interested n business. Considering a career in finance, he wanted to gain a clearer understanding of the industry before declaring it as his college major. Knowing the dominance of NYC as a driving force in the field, he chose the HS Academy Finance NYC course to learn more about the professional options he might pursue. Takeaways included an initiation into the trading of stocks and an insider's look at the history and the future of finance.

Tony Zhang Tony Zhang

To learn more about the financial markets and their history, Tony and his classmates explored Manhattan's financial district, visiting Federal Hall and the Museum of American Finance. This deep immersion in the roots of the industry provided a solid foundation for understanding how the markets work and how they have evolved over time. 

Exploring the Wall Street area gave him a greater sense of why NYC plays such an important role in the finance industry. He could sense the fast-paced excitment in the streets just walking around.


Museum of American Finance Field trip
Tony and his classmates got a guided tour of the exhibits at the Museum of American Finance.
I loved traveling around the City and learning about the history of Wall Street. My instructor really grounded us in how things work in this business.
High Stakes Monopoly
High Stakes Monopoly

One of the highlights of the Museum of American Finance was viewing a solid gold, jewel-encrusted Monopoly game, worth more than $2 million dollars! Students were amazed at the details of the board and the game pieces.

Federal Hall
Federal Hall

Tony's class also visited Federal Hall, which was built as NYC's original City Hall in 1700 and later served as the site of George Washington's presidential inauguration and the first capital building of the United States.

Alan Anderson teaching class
A guest lecturer shares her insights.

Tony's instructor, Alan Anderson, is a finance career veteran who loves to teach kids about this amazing industry. He makes the learning fun by teaching them the ins and outs of trading stocks, and bringing in guest lecturers to discuss speciality topics.

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